School Infrastructure

The need for infrastructure in education is now recognized worldwide. Education is no longer about a blackboard, a notebook and a pencil. There are technologies that help children learn better, and School on Wheels attempts, as much as possible, to provide our schools with such facilities. Over the years, we have built several different kinds of facilities for our schools. Most of them have been need-based and have depended heavily upon the funding received.

Below are the different ways we have helped grow infrastructure in our schools:

• WASMO water tanks

• Multi Purpose Hall

• Library Complex

• Bathroom & Toilet Blocks

• Sanitation blocks for ladies

• Computer centers

• Science laboratories

After the massive earthquake of 2001, School on Wheels was also very involved in reconstruction of school buildings that were destroyed and rendered unusable. Our interventions led to the restoration of 5 such schools. This would not have been possible without the generous donations received from Share and Care Foundation.