It is a known fact that good health forms a very important prerequisite for good education. It is extremely important to keep one’s body and mind nourished to be able to process new information and apply them to new learnings. It is said that, health of children and adults in rural India is not at its best. Sparse medical facilities, prohibitive prices of treatment, traditional mindsets, belief in unscientific medical procedures, neglect of the health of the girl child and several such reasons for health being relegated to the background.
School on Wheels constantly preaches the need for good health and hygiene and good eating habits. To this end, the school campuses are clean and devoid of any garbage. The students are made to take responsibility of the cleanliness of them and inspire their villages and households. Once invested, they become the most vociferous spokespeople of the cause, lecturing their parents and family members of the need for health and hygiene.
School on Wheels also conducts regular exhibitions on the harmful effects of bad habits – “Vyasan Mukti Abhiyan”. One of the most effective exhibitions has been one on tobacco chewing and smoking and the damage it causes on human health. These interventions reach out not only to the children but also their parents and the elders in the community, hence creating a ripple effect of awareness and affirmative action.
• Youth Wellness Programme:
Youth Wellness Programme was initiated by Shri Jayantbhai Shroff – Trustee of Share & Care Foundation – U.S.A.
From the last eight years SOW organizes Youth Wellness Programme for their associated School on Wheels’ students, mainly for Ashramshala, residential schools for poorest of poor, with the support from the Share & Care Foundation – U.S.A. A committed team of doctors and volunteers from U.S.A. come to India to render their service for the betterment of the rural students, and for the development of a healthy society. Purpose of the Youth Wellness Programme is to create awareness among the rural students about their personal health & hygiene, cleanliness and to strengthen the physical ability and mental ability standards of SOW students. Prominent Doctors from U.S.A. examined the rural students of selected residential schools associated with SOW provide them medicines and basic treatment also advised for further check-up and follow-up.
More than 10000 students and teachers have been helped under the Youth Wellness Camps conducted till date.